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Catholic Diocese Of Sekondi-Takoradi Celebrates Ruby, Silver Jubilee, And 26th Priestly Ordination Anniversaries



Catholic Diocese Of Sekondi-Takoradi Celebrates Ruby, Silver Jubilee, And 26th Priestly Ordination Anniversaries

The Catholic Diocese of Sekondi-Takoradi held a spirit-filled thanksgiving Mass in honor of the Priests who were ordained in the years 1983, 1997, and 1998 respectively.

The epoch-making celebration which took place today at the Our Lady Star of the Sea Cathedral in Takoradi saw the presence of numerous Priests, Religious men and women, and the lay faithful.

Very Rev. Fr. Philip Akru Tandoh, one of the Ruby Jubilarians who was the Chief celebrant, in his opening remarks, emphasized that the priesthood like any other vocation has its ups and downs pointing out that the joy of the ministry overcomes the challenges. He added that the celebrants have truly loved and lived their vocation and invited all present to heartily congratulate the celebrants.

Delivering the homily, Very Rev. Fr. Anthony Kodwo ESHUN, one of the Silver Jubilarians emphasized that they were able to achieve the milestones of 25, 26, and 40 years in the Priesthood because God has been with them throughout their life.

He noted that whatever they have achieved was a result of the Lord’s presence stressing that it was the Lord who shepherds the flock. He added that it was by God’s strength, power, might, and in his majestic name that they have attained the landmark underscoring the need for all to continue to rejoice in the Lord who is with us (Emmanuel).

Fr. Eshun emphasized that God has been very kind, merciful, and generous to them all through their life from the moment of their conception stressing that God has protected them from dangers and called on all to trust in the Lord who is always present and avoid fear.

In his address, the Vicar General, Very Rev. Fr Francis Kofi Lemaire shared that the Bishop, Most Rev. John Baptist Attakruh had expressed a sincere desire to be present for the momentous celebration. He added that though the Bishop is in Rome attending an orientation program for Bishops, he sent his warmest congratulations and prayerful wishes to the celebrants. He presented envelopes to all the celebrants on behalf of the Bishop.

As part of the celebration, an undisclosed amount of money was given to the Jubilarians by the Cathedral community. Chasubles were presented to them by the President of the Priests Council on behalf of the priests.

Very Rev. Fr. John Baptist Ephraim in a vote of thanks on behalf of the celebrants expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the Bishop, Vicar General, Priests, Religious, and all for their immense support and for celebrating with them and appreciating their humble and dedicated years in the priesthood describing the gathering as a microcosm of a synodal Church.

Welcoming the congregation to the Eucharistic celebration, Rev. Fr. Alexander Amponsah the Parochial Vicar of the Cathedral described the celebration as a time to reflect on how far the Lord has been gracious to the Celebrants and to join them in thanking the Lord. He welcomed all with a fraternal embrace and an open hand of solidarity and prayed that all may find renewal and strength in the presence of God.

The celebrants included, Very Rev. Fr. Albert AMAKYI, Very Rev. Fr. Samuel Ebuley AFFUL, Very Rev. Fr. Francis Kwamena ARTHUR, Very Rev. Fr. James Kobina ARTHUR and Very Rev. Fr. Philip Akru TANDOH who celebrated their Ruby Anniversary while Very Rev. Frs. James Yamekeh ACKAH, Peter AMOAH, Joseph Ade AMODINE, Richard Kwayie DANQUAH, Anthony Nii Noi DOWUONA, John Baptist EPHRAIM, Anthony Brandford ESHUN, and Anthony Kodwo ESHUN, marked their Silver Jubilee in the Priestly service as well as Very Rev. Fr. Raphael Boah MENSAH who celebrated 26th Priestly Anniversary.

Following Mass, a reception was held at the Cathedral Parish Hall at which glowing tributes were paid to the Jubilarians for their years of dedicated service to the Lord in the Diocese. They were appreciated for the wonderful work have been doing over the years.

Congratulating the celebrants on their laudable achievements, Very Rev Fr. Emmanuel Dolphyne, the President of the Sekondi-Takoradi Diocesan Priests’ Association on behalf of the priests noted that Jubilarians’ priesthood has become a beacon of hope and a source of comfort to those in need and expressed gratitude to them for their service while praying that the years ahead may bring them continuous strength, wisdom, divine grace as they carry out your priestly duties.

He expressed optimism that their dedication would continue to inspire others to walk in the part of righteousness and that their love for God and his people shine ever brighter.

DEPSOCOM Sekondi-Takoradi

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